Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Little Things

I guess this is how grief goes. Today I woke up feeling like a had a good handle on things. I can tell that my family and the rest of the world is moving on. Everyone else is ready to get back to normal. I can't help feeling to myself that everyone has forgotten that I just lost a baby. But I really am doing well. I can sleep again. I am really enjoying my kids and doing my work around the house
But then I was planning out my day tomorrow. I realized I would be next to Winco having a long overdue lunch with my friend and I should go stock up on my grains and flours. I haven't done that for a long time. Then I realized that I can pack and carry all those heavy 25 and 50 pound bags. It will be no problem for me. That's why I haven't gone to Winco for so long. I was worried about lifting heavy things and hurting the baby.  And then the tears hit. And then I turned them off quickly because life goes on.

"In all living have much fun and laughter, life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."

1 comment:

  1. I Love that saying.. It helped me a lot when you gave it to me.
