Friday, February 21, 2014


I know it seems weird to share an experience so personal. I started writing the blog to get rid of some of the nervous energy and dread that I was feeling. It seemed to help to put words to emotions and recognition is always good, right?
I am hoping that by sending my feelings out into the atmosphere maybe they will dissipate and go away. Because even talking to Travis I can never really express what I am feeling. Its too raw and feel like such a brat for acting like the world is ending. I know tons of people that have struggles that are way worse than what I've gone through. I still get to be here. I live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood and drive a nice van. I can still fit in my designer jeans that I bought at the DI. I still have my husband and our 4 kids. And Trav still loves me, go figure. My dad is kicking cancer's butt. We still have our dog after over 11 years, she's almost totally deaf, but she's here.
So, I'm hoping selfishly that if you read this that you can share some of the burden with me because truly, I am sick of feeling sad. It's just not me.

1 comment:

  1. Crying and having a friend to "dump\"on is good Therapy.. I know you have many.. but if you need another I am here and I love you and want o help!
