Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Husband

I love this man!
This evening I asked Trav if I have gained weight since I lost the baby. He said yes. He gets me. He knows that I really want to know.
He has been amazing to me through this time. He took care of me while I was so sick with the pregnancy. And never complained. He is grieving too. And he forgives me when I like to pretend that this is all about me.
He said something years ago that has stayed with me. He said its important to know who will go into battle with him. I'm in. (Here is the place for Trav's favorite story about me that he tells to Elders Quorum about me defending him at a church basketball game with a baby on my hip.)
He is all the things that I wish I could be. He is kind, giving, fiercely loyal, non judgmental, carefree and hysterically funny. His physical stature is not something he can control but I love his size. Its dominating like in the Princess Bride when Fezzick yells Everybody move and the crowds clear.
He is my best friend and has grown accustomed to my constant yammering about this and that and still listens with at least one ear.
He is so proud of my accomplishments. He is interested when I talk incessantly about reffing (the first real hobby I have had since I became a mom).
I am so thankful that he was intrigued when I basically asked him to marry me. I am so grateful that he has stuck with me all these 17 years. I can see that putting in the time has allowed us to be happier together than I could ever imagine.
Sidenote: I realized looking at this picture that we were at this BYU football game the day after we found out about our 5th miscarriage at 12 weeks. Our boys really wanted to go. It was a "black out". I passed the miscarriage 5 days later and ended up in the hospital with a blood transfusion. Life goes on.

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